Revolutionize the aesthetic of your smile with cosmetic dentistry in Falls Church, Virginia. If you are looking to improve the appearance of your smile, then your first step needs to be to talk to Dr. Eli Janabi. Contact our dental office today by calling 703-982-2222 and we will help you schedule an appointment with our dentist. During your appointment, Dr. will see how your smile can be improved with any of the following services:

Through the application of these cosmetic dental services we can help boost your self-esteem so that you can smile with pride. These treatments have the potential to improve the appearance of your smile even if your teeth are:

  • Cracked, chipped, fractured or broken
  • Gapped and spaced
  • Discolored, yellowed or stained
  • Uneven or have minor misalignment
  • Missing
  • Overly long, short or pointed
  • Excessively worn
  • Too long, pointed, or too short
  • Excessively worn
  • Misshapen

When you attend your appointment with our dentist, he can help you to determine which method of treatment will be the most effective for you. Dr. understands that your smile is unique to you and so your treatment should also be. This way your smile transforms into what you want it to be. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us today!

Veneer Before
Veneer After


Veneer Before
Veneer After


Veneer Before
Veneer After


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