If gum disease, tooth decay or trauma has caused a tooth to be so badly damaged that restoration is impossible, our dentists may recommend that it be extracted. While Dr. Eli Janabi and Dr. Monique Guraya will do everything possible to prevent the need for an extraction, there are some conditions in which this treatment may be necessary in order to protect your other teeth and help you regain your oral health.
– Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The conditions which may lead to a tooth extraction include:

  • Severe infection which has destroyed portions of the tooth and supporting bone structure
  • Serious decay which has damaged a tooth beyond the point of a successful repair
  • Overcrowding
  • Severe cracks or fractures in the tooth, making successful restoration impossible

Our dentists will make sure to perform each tooth extraction with great care and skill. We do everything possible to ensure your comfort during this procedure, and provide you with detailed post-extraction instructions so that you can heal without any complications. After your tooth has been removed, we will work with you to find a suitable replacement to restore your oral health and smile.

For more details about tooth extraction in Falls Church, Virginia, and to set up an appointment at Smile Studio Dental, contact us today at 703-982-2222.