If you want to straighten your teeth but the thought of braces makes you cringe, Invisalign® could be the treatment for you! This discreet orthodontic treatment relies on nearly invisible clear aligners to correct the alignment of your teeth and provide you with a beautiful, straight smile.

Invisalign is a specific type of orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. Each clear aligner is custom-made to fit your smile, and they are made of extremely durable plastic. About every two weeks, our dentists will supply you with a new set of custom alignment trays. Each set of aligners is designed to make minor changes to your dental alignment, thus gradually moving your teeth into their proper positions. You will visit our office regularly, where we will check on your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Both Invisalign and braces are designed to straighten teeth; however, their methods of doing so are different. With Invisalign, patients receive nearly invisible, custom-made alignment trays that are worn throughout most the day, every day. Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easier to eat and clean your teeth. Braces combine metal brackets that are cemented to the front of your teeth with wires and rubber bands to move teeth into their correct position. In many cases, braces can take longer to straighten teeth than Invisalign aligners.

For some patients, Invisalign can be a cost-effective way to get a straighter smile. The cost of an Invisalign treatment will vary, depending on how much work needs to be done and how long your treatment ends up being. At our practice, Invisalign treatments start around $3,000 and can run up to $6,500.

Give us a call at 703-982-2222 to learn more about Invisalign in Falls Church, Virginia, and to schedule your appointment with our dentists at Smile Studio Dental. Dr. Eli Janabi and Dr. Monique Guraya is excited to help you achieve the smile you want!

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